Studies on leaf surface characteristics of the genus epimedium in China 国产淫羊藿属叶表面特征的研究
In addition, the postulated biogenetic routes of three flavonols from E. brevicornum were discussed. ( 1) The genus Epimedium ( Berberidaceae) comprises about 40 species, which have been utilized since ancient as tonic in China. 此外,还对从淫羊藿中分离得到的3个黄酮醇化合物进行了生源关系探讨。(1)淫羊藿属在中国有40余种,为中国传统的滋补药物。
More than 20 species of genus Epimedium distribute in Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei provinces of China, accounting for more than half the global total. 我国有20多种淫羊藿属植物,资源丰富,占全球总量一半以上,主要分布在四川、贵州、湖北和东北等地。